We engage with competition authorities, the business world, the academic community and broader society to disseminate research and provide inputs in competition policy processes.

Information sharing guidelines

The CCLE has participated in public comments on the proposed information sharing guidelines, released by the Competition Commission of South Africa in July 2017. For a copy of the draft guidelines published by the Commission, click here. For the CCLE’s extensive comments, click here.

Comments on the Competition Amendment Bill

The CCLE has participated in public comments on the December 2017 version Competition Amendment Bill (for a copy, click here).

For a copy of our January comments, click here.

The CCLE has further participated in the public hearings at Parliament on the final version of the Competition Amendment Bill (for a copy, click here).

For a copy of our August letter to the Portfolio Committee on Economic Development, click here.

For a copy of Prof Boshoff and Prof Sutherland’s slides, click here: Prof Boshoff, Prof Sutherland.