The CCLE promotes and encourages teaching and training related to South African competition policy. The CCLE’s staff and associates count among South Africa’s leading teachers of competition law and economics.

In association with Stellenbosch University

Graduate courses

The staff and associates of the CCLE are responsible for the teaching of graduate courses in industrial organisation and competition law and economics at Stellenbosch University.

The graduate economics course in industrial organisation introduces core game-theoretic models and key focus areas of competition policy (collusion, mergers, abuse of dominance and vertical restraints) and topical issues (e.g. platform markets and drivers of aggregate concentration). This course forms part of the honours and masters programme in economics, offered by Stellenbosch University.

Undergraduate courses

Affiliated faculty of the Centre (including Prof Nicola Theron) is responsible for teaching undergraduate competition policy in the third-year economics curriculum at Stellenbosch University.

PhD programme

The CCLE actively promotes and support doctoral research via two channels: a funded residential PhD programme and a programme for staff of the South African competition authorities.

This programme involves a rigorous selection process and is administered by the Graduate School for Economic and Management Sciences.

Wawa Nkosi
Wihan Marais