
Co-director holder of the Vloeberghs Chair 2023/24 at Free University Brussels

Prof Willem Boshoff, Co-Director of the CCLE, is the holder of the prestigious Vloeberghs Chair from the Free University of Brussels in Belgium for 2024. The Chair is a teaching chair awarded biennially to a scholar working on legal issues at the intersection of international law, economics and informatics. As Chair, Prof Boshoff presented three public lectures at the Free University of Brussels, related to competition policy towards online intermediation platforms. Competition policy towards digital platforms have received much attention in recent years, but with a focus on search and social media platforms. Increasingly, e-commerce and other platforms for online commerce are receiving more policy attention – both in South Africa and beyond. Policymakers and academic are concerned over the potential impact of network effects on competition in these markets, where platforms are linking end consumers to businesses. These network effects can lead to winner-takes-all outcomes and limit the entry possibilities for new players. Prof Boshoff will be repeating these lectures online on the following dates: Lecture 1 (26 July 2024): Competition policy towards digital intermediation platforms: European antitrust and the African perspective Lecture 2 (2 August 2024): Evaluating potential competition in digital platform markets: American and European entrants versus African monopolists? [...]

By |June 16th, 2024|Categories: News|0 Comments

ERSA workshop on “Competition Policy and Regulation in Digital Markets”

Prof Willem Boshoff, co-director of the CCLE, and Prof Lukasz Grzybowski from the University of Cape Town are organizing a workshop in Stellenbosch on competition policy and regulation in digital markets. The workshop is funded by Economic Research Southern Africa and will take place from 30 September to 1 October. Below is the call for papers: Call for papers A 2-day ERSA workshop will take place on 30th September and 1st October 2022 in Stellenbosch. During the workshop prominent academics working in the field of Industrial Organization and Digital Economics will provide short lectures on relevant competition and regulatory issues in digital markets. In the remaining time, workshop participants will present their research and discussion papers. We welcome theoretical, empirical as well as policy-oriented submissions to discuss recent contributions. Topics of Interest Digital Platforms - Media Markets – Advertising – Privacy – E-commerce – Digital Marketing – Regulation and Competition Policy of the Digital Economy – Economics of Big Data, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence – Intellectual Property Rights – ICT, Productivity and Growth – Innovation and Standards – Internet and Search – Net Neutrality –  Networks and Pricing - Telecommunications – Internet and Software Industries Conference Details No workshop fee [...]

By |May 24th, 2022|Categories: News|0 Comments

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2022

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2022 The Centre for Competition Law and Economics (CCLE), a research unit in the Department of Economics at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, hereby invite applications for a twelve-month postdoctoral research fellowship. Eligibility Applicants should hold a PhD in economics, with specialization in industrial organization. Applicants holding PhDs from North American or European institutions will be given preference. The research of applicants can focus on theoretical or empirical topics in industrial organization, antitrust and related fields of micro-economics. Requirements of the position The successful applicant will be expected to actively advance his/her current research projects, including the publication of existing research. The successful applicant will also be expected to drive a project involving the economics of excessive pricing, which forms part of EU and South African competition policy, in collaboration with other members of the CCLE. Period The starting date is negotiable, but the aim is to commence the fellowship by June 2022. The fellowship is likely to be renewed for one further year, subject to the applicant’s performance and to the availability of funding. Benefits A scholarship amount of R230,000 (approximately 13,100 euro) is available for the twelve-month period. Note that living expenses in euro/dollar terms [...]

By |September 13th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Excessive pricing webinar

Prof Willem Boshoff, Co-Director of the CCLE, recently participated in a webinar with Marylla Govender from Compliance Online to discuss excessive pricing. The focus was on the new excessive pricing regulations. For a recording of the event, please contact Nino Haasbroek at

By |May 5th, 2020|Categories: News|0 Comments

Empirical challenges when assessing excessive pricing during Covid-19 national disaster period

Assessing excessive pricing during the Covid-19 crisis will be challenging. Based on the regulations published last week in the Government Gazette, South African competition authorities will compare prices during the period of national disaster to prices over December 2019 to February 2020 when determining excessive pricing. In this comment, Prof Willem Boshoff of the CCLE argues that such a short benchmark period raises challenges to understanding how the price of a product 'normally' responds to demand and cost factors. You can access the link here.

By |April 2nd, 2020|Categories: Blogs, News|0 Comments